Is The Conjuring 2 The Scariest Horror of 2016?

If you are a horror movie fan, then you definitely have to see “The Conjuring 2.” Many did not like the film because it was set in 1977, in a gloomy house in North London. But, this exact setting is what makes this movie so charming. The director, James Wan, decided to follow up his “The Conjuring” (2013) and created an amazing horror movie that is more interested in portraying how people live rather than how do they die. Let’s just say that James Wan did an amazing job by tying a true story with a classic horror. “The Conjuring 2” is a superior ghost story told with spine-tingling skill.

Since this is a sequel, we would recommend watching the first movie before you see this one. The events in “Conjuring 2” take place several years after the events of “The Conjuring.” Once again, Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga play the roles of the famous Ed and Lorraine Warren, a married couple who devoted their lives to investigating paranormal activities. This time, they are trying to help a struggling family (the Hodgsons) haunted by the Enfield demon.

What makes “The Conjuring 2” different from all the other movies is its sympathetic understanding of the desperate situation the Hodgsons are in. Not only are they haunted by a supernatural entity, but also the mundane forces of poverty, isolation, and despair. Once the Warrens arrive, things do not start getting better magically like you would expect them to. Instead, their arrival causes a dangerous shift in the demon’s strategy. We are not going to reveal anything else, except that this movie will definitely jump scare you.

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Even though the movie does provide insight into the lives of the members of the Hodgson family, one downside of the movie is that those insights are not enough. Many people felt that more should have been said about the family, their past and perhaps even their future.

The movie’s success speaks for itself. The weekend it was released, “The Conjuring 2” dominated the box office and earned an impressive $40.4 million. The movie was a worldwide success and it earned a total gross of $317.7 million. “The Conjuring 2” got an 80% score on Rotten Tomatoes, an A- CinemaScore, and a bit too harsh 65 Metascore on Metacritic.

Patrick Wilson, one of the main actors, shared an interesting behind-the-scenes story. Many people who shoot supernatural movies or TV shows experience at least one supernatural activity. They themselves are not sure if they made it up, or it was just an accident, but Patrick Wilson said that one night there was a video of giant curtains blowing pretty violently by themselves on the set.

“It’s like the wind came out of nowhere and was blowing very violently,” Wilson said, ” That was very unexplained, I just have to say.”

To top the review here is behind-the-scenes footage that will give you a bit more insight on the movie and show you how the movie was made.

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